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IP Systems

With an increased need for greater security, CCTV is the obvious answer.Modern IP-based CCTV systems can be linked to anywhere delivering clear,live images reliably and quickly to help prevent crime.

IP based cameras are the future. Network cameras for IP-based video surveillance systems are attached directly to the network and send video to a network video recorder or to a server equipped with video management software.The ultimate benefit of this over analogue CCTV systems is greater flexibility, better performance and easier installation

Benefits of using IP based systems over traditional analogue systems.

- Greater Flexibility

- Better Camera Performance

- Easier System Installation

- Better System Integration

- Better Value

A digital camera "views" the scene in front of it, broadcasts the video images as a digitized signal over a LAN line (Local Area Network) where it's then transmitted to a computer or server. The server in turn manages all of this information. Depending upon the software used to manage the digital images, it can record, display or retransmit the images to anywhere in the world.

True IP-based digital surveillance uses CCD cameras that use signal processing that send packetized video streams over the LAN through a Cat 5e / Cat 6 cable rather than a coax cable network, utilizing greater bandwidth and standard TCP/IP communication.It also provides more intelligent data mining and information retrieval.

IP can significantly improve on 4CIF standard analogue resolution. It can provide HD (High Definition) images, which increase the 4CIF picture size by approximately fourfold to significantly improve the image detail. This can then allow greater surveillance area coverage, providing larger and more detailed images, which can still be effectively examined using post-event digital zoom on recordings without pixilation. Improved image quality is key to the future of law enforcement and detection, as it provides the necessary detail when presenting footage as legal evidence.