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For a quick 1/3" CCD Camera you can work out the lens required using this simple method:

Distance from object multiplied by 4.8, divided by horizontal or vertical area equals the lens required.

d x 4.8 / A = L
To focus on an area 5m wide from a camera installed 20m away would be:
20 x 4.8 / 5 = 19.2
So you would need a lens with a focal length of 19.2mm

Focal Length 

The Focal Length is measured in mm. As a guide,
a short focal length (e.g. 2.5mm) = a wide angle of view
a long focal length (e.g. 16mm) = a narrow angle of view
the smaller the CCD Chip - the narrower the angle of view

Depth of Field

The Depth of View is the distance within which objects in a picture are in focus.
A large Depth of Field means almost all objects in the Field of View are in focus.
A small Depth of Field means only a small section of the Field of View are in Focus.

The following factors can lead to a greater Depth of Field:

Using a Wide Angle Lens
High F-Stop
Using an Auto Iris

Camera Format

The size of the camera's CCD image device will affect the angle of view. CCTV Cameras come in different chip sizes - 2/3", 1/2", 1/3" and 1/4".

Approximate Horizontal angles of 
view for CCD Chip Cameras

  Focal Length   2/3"   1/2"   1/3"   1/4"
  2.0mm   -   -   -   82
  2.8mm   -   -   86   57
  4.0mm   -   77   67   47
  4.8mm   83   67   57   40
  6.0mm   70   56   48   32
  8.0mm   56   44   36   25
  12mm   39   30   25   17
  16mm   30   23   17   13
 25mm   18   15   12   8
  50mm   10   7   6   4

F Stop

F Stop or Aperture has 2 measurements. When the lens is fully open (Maximum Aperture / Minimum F-Stop), just before the lens completely closes (Minimum Aperture / Maximum F-Stop).
F Stop - is the lenses ability to gather light depending on the aperture and focal length.

C or CS Mount

The 2 standard cctv camera lens mounts. The difference between the two is simply the distance between the lens and the ccd image sensor. C Mount - 17.5mm CS Mount - 12.5mm

Auto or Manual Iris

For changing light conditions (e.g. cameras positioned outdoors), Auto Iris lenses are needed.
For indoor use manual iris lenses are sufficient as light levels will not vary too much.

Video or Direct Drive

The majority of CCTV Cameras will be able to use both types. Video Drive Lenses contain circuitry which converts video signal from the camera into iris control. Direct Drive Lenses require the cctv camera to contain the circuitry.

Types of lenses available

  1. Manual Iris Lenses
  2. Auto Iris Lenses
  3. Aspherical Vari Focal Lenses
  4. Vari-focal - Manual Iris Lens
  5. Vari-focal - Auto Iris Lenses
  6. Zoom - Auto Iris Lenses
  7. Specialist Lenses
  8. Day-Night Lenses
  9. Board Camera Button Lenses
  10. Megapixel Lenses